Brushstrokes of contrast: urban studio, rural inspiration
Throughout my life I have lived in both the countryside and metropolises. My studio in London sits alongside the canal and it provides me with a complete contrast to the peaceful countryside of Devon. In north London I am surrounded by houseboats, bustling pedestrians, rumbling trains, bobbing mallards and moorhens. Last weekend was spent here working […]
Discovering endless perspectives: teleidoscopes in daily practice
When I was a young girl I received a kaleidoscope from Father Christmas. I clearly remember looking into it and being mesmerised by the constantly changing colours and shapes. As an adult I gained an understanding into how the kaleidoscope works. Invented in 1816 it is a device composed of mirrors set at specific angles […]
Bankside Gallery visit for “Out of Earth and Water” exhibition
“Out of Earth and Water” is my upcoming exhibition, where I will be sharing the spaces of Bankside Gallery, in London, with my friend Edward Hutchison. Therefore, this past weekend, I travelled to London to meet with fellow artist and landscape architect Edward Hutchison, with whom I am collaborating on our upcoming exhibition “Out of […]